Two ways to handle dropdown –
1. Using Select class
The big secret to working with drop down is that you don’t want to work with them as WebElements, but instead create a Select element for them. The Select class (java and python documentation) includes utility methods that allow you to perform common tasks. We will be working with the following html:
<select id="id_state" class="form-control" name="id_state" style=""> <option value="">-</option> <option value="1">Alabama</option> <option value="2">Alaska</option> <option value="3">Arizona</option> <option value="4">Arkansas</option> <option value="5">California</option> <option value="6">Colorado</option> <option value="7">Connecticut</option> <option value="8">Delaware</option>
In order to deal with dropdown values through selenium WebDriver, Selenium has Select class. (;).
We can select value from dropdown, by below simple steps.
Firstly, Identify WebElement with Select tag, that is for your dropdown.
Ex – WebElement element = driver.findElement(” “));
Then, create an object of Select class.
Ex. Select s = new Select(listbox);
Then Select the value by one of the applicable methods like ByVisibleText, ByIndex ….whichever can be applied.
WebElement element = driver.findElement("mySelectID")); Select s= new Select(element); s.selectByIndex(0);
WebElement element = driver.findElement("mySelectID")); Select s= new Select(element); s.selectByValue("Value");
WebElement element = driver.findElement("mySelectID")); Select s= new Select(element); s.selectByVisibleText("Option");
2. Without Using Select class
We can deal with dropdown value without using select class as well. Below are two examples how this can be achieved.
Method 1:
In this example, we find the option via a complex xpath, then click on it:
WebElement myoption = driver.findElement(By.xpath( "//Select[@id='mySelectID']/option[normalize-space(text())='Option']") );;
Method 2:
In this example, we find all the options, iterate over them, and click the one we want. This is useful if you have some more complex criteria.
WebElement mySelectElm = driver.findElement("mySelectID")) Select mySelect= new Select(mySelect); List<WebElement> options = mySelect.getOptions(); for (WebElement option : options) { if (option.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("Option") {; } }
This is all about Selecting dropdown. However, note that, method 1 is more recommended, that is by using Select class.
Refer below post for complete example of Automation of Registration page using Selenium WebDriver.
Refer below video on same –
Hope This Helps !!!!!