What are Good Testing Practices?

There is no perfect definition for best practices for the software testing. Below could be written down as best practices for software testing:
1.  Clear cut requirements should be there and testing team should be able to define and understand the requirements before starting the project/software testing. This will always help in yielding better results. 
2.  Based on the software/project, the tester should have good domain knowledge or engineer should be able to gain the knowledge for the same. With domain knowledge, engineer would be able to create the quality test cases and report usability defects. 
3. Clear communication with Dev Team: There should be transparent communication with Dev team and there should be process defined like weekly call/daily call. 
4. Defining timelines and release cycles: Plan should be there for the Dev and QA timelines so that software testing should be conducted in the timelines and appropriate time should be provided to QA staff.
5. Automation Testing: Atleast smoke test cases should be automated that will help in quick regression cycle. 
Here are few other best practices –

  1. Ensure that customer will get what could meet their needs or could solve their problems. System will be delivered will be useless if it can’t serve these.
  2. Provide adequate information to stakeholders regarding quality. We will have to make decision but it must base on the fact and number which is reliable.
  3. Continuous Improvement on Effectiveness and Efficient. Work which is not finished does not count. So we need to do it well within reasonable time. Then we need to be able to do more with less and work more smarter because resources and time are always not enough to do the work. 
  4. Determine which tests to run based on risk because you can’t test EVERYTHING. What things can you not afford to test? 
  5. Share knowledge with your fellow testers at work including what worked well for you and what hasn’t. 
  6. Don’t save testing for the end, test as early as possible. 
  7. Understanding Scope/purpose of the project will help to judge the degree/level of testing required. 
  8. The test cases should be updated immediately once the client gives new requirement or changes the requirements. 
  9. Testers should go thro’ the requirements in detail without missing any points given by the client before writing test cases.
  10. Finalize and try to freeze the identified test cases and expected result before execution and ready with Pre – test data if needs. 
  11. Once done with happy flows of testing try to get an approval from product/design managers by walk-through flows in front of them

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